Simon Marton Facetime + WhatsApp drum lessons during Covid times.
Simon how's it been going with Facetime & Whatsapp recently?
These have been working a treat. To make it fair on the clients/ pupils I charge a fiver less to compensate for not having me there in person and I now operate from an upstairs office desk. I have my phone or sometimes my Mac handy to do the calls and find it’s a way of working that is focussed and quite pleasant! Yes, sure, sometimes the video call quality can suffer and the audio not match up to the video, but I have enough to go on to make it work. It won’t entirely replace being there in person but I don’t have to travel, I don’t get stressed in traffic and my pupils learn pretty much the same amount. It’s caused me to think even more creatively about what I’m teaching and how! I love it! Wish I’d thought of it ages ago.
April 2020: During the UK lockdown we were surprised that only two of the 616 Drum Teachers on this site requested that their profiles be updated to include Online Lessons. Here they are below. Please click on the links for more info.
Peter Bertelli offering Online Drum Lessons - Via Skype
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