Website: | |
Teaching Location: | Leeds, Yorkshire & Humberside, LS4 2RE View on map |
Email: | Contact Matt Woodward |
Teaching Levels & Subjects - Beginners / intermediate / advanced / grades (Rockschool etc) / all genres and styles
Professional musical experience - touring, writing & recording musician (1992 - present) USA / UK / Europe (various bands including Galaxians, Azores, The Lapse, The Dragon Rapide, Origami)
Other music experience - tour managing, promoting, artist booking, funding applications, mentoring
Teaching -
My teaching style is informal but involved, with the emphasis on
individuality, expression, melody, style and freedom. I encourage my
students to approach the drum set as a melodic rhythmic instrument, to
discover both their creative and expressive ranges and to listen to as
many different kinds of music as possible. I believe that the key to
becoming a good musical drummer and good musician is to embrace as much
style and content as possible, from traditional approaches to more
contemporary ideas. I encourage my students to be musical and to develop a
keen ear for what is appropriate, relevant and contextual. I also
encourage my students to be free-thinkers, to develop their own ideas and
to play the way they want to play.
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