Mobile: | 07837150609 |
Website: | |
Teaching Location: | Brighton, South East England, BN1 4EL View on map |
Email: | Contact Samuel Rowe |
Samuel's teaching method ensures that the student is not only provided with the tools used to help them become a great drummer, but is given a wide-ranging background on music as a history, a theory, and an exercise.
Samuel has taken on teaching methods that have been marked for years as hugely successful. He uses the popular repertoire taken from this programme and adds to it based on the student he is working with; endeavouring to provide lessons that are not genre-restricted and give the student the opportunity to really focus on the musical direction they are interested in following.
Specific areas of study:
-Groove & Tempo
-Time Signatures
-Rudiments & Rolls
-Fills & Accents
-Structures & Songs
-Working within a group
-Grades & Examinations
Very cheap standard rate of £25 per hour.
For more information, visit:
Drum Lessons in Brighton.
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